
Kala Art Institute is a thriving art-making hub in California and the present artistic residence of Collide’s James Voller. Whilst at Kala, James hopes to examine the architectural history and identity of Berkeley and identify any connections to historical trends in Australian and New Zealand architecture.

The Californian bungalow, in particular, is a style of home that exists in the suburban realms of each of the three countries. This shared architectural lineage will then form the basis of James’ site-specific installations.

Working with photographs of these buildings, Collide generated photographic installations both in public spaces and at Kala, employing a range of methods including projection and paste-ups to infuse bungalows back into the community. These superimposed images appear as visually integral parts of their surrounding urban environment, creating a sharp awareness of place and altering the context of the space being viewed. These methods will allow the members of the Kala and Berkeley communities to experience a familiar scene in an unusual, new setting. 

Through the mixed media of documentary photography and site-specific installation, James aims to highlight the importance of art, history and culture in local communities. In this way, Collide also hopes to extend its understanding of community engagement and site-specific practices as well as generate new readings about architectural and historical changes.




Weatherboard Patterns