Ostensorium - Enlighten Festival

Ostensorium is a light installation, created for Enlighten Festival Canberra, which blends ancient decorative arts with illusionistic digital holographic technology. For this work artist Joel Zika has created a series of 3D digital sculptures which appear to float in front of audiences without screens or a projection surface. The work is made up of three highly intricate animated illustrations using stunning marble and gold shapes which undulate and move playfully in front of audiences.

The Ostensorium takes its name from iconic alter pieces like the Monstrance and Sacred Heart which have been seen in Catholic and Pagan traditions for centuries. The work adapts and distorts the stunning gilded look of these vessels into something which is alive.

Spinning LED hologram technology creates the illusion of an image suspended in mid-air with each screen show 3D rendered content designed to enhance build even greater parallax effect. The three works are based on the decorative boxes of the Ostensorium, they feature bright strands of gold and polished marble which are animated.


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